PS4 & PS5

Each week Sony brings PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the PlayStation Store updates for the major regions across the globe. Check back every Tuesday to keep up to date with each week’s PlayStation Store Update. *Links are for the listed region*
Welcome! It’s time to share in-depth details about the PlayStation 5 hardware, the DualSense wireless controller, system features, software details, and much, much, much more. This list of frequently asked questions is a work in progress, and we’ll continue to chase questions and update information here as we get ready for launch later this month.
Sony released a 12-minute long State of Play presentation for Demon’s Souls over the weekend, in which SIE Worldwide Studios’ creative director Gavin Moore shared development and gameplay insight. The video focuses on Demon’s Souls‘ single-player experience, leaving players to discover asynchronous and synchronous multiplayer features “that make Demon’s Souls so adored among fans.” Without further ado,
First released in 2009, Demon’s Souls went on to become a beloved and genre-defining action-RPG for PlayStation 3. The game’s unique gameplay systems, harrowing yet rewarding difficulty, and unforgettable world building made it a hit with fans and critics alike, and many of its innovations can still be felt in gaming today. Starting November 12,