
In September of last year, it was confirmed that the industry was moving toward a $70 price tag for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X games, and it likely only a matter of time until it becomes the norm. It looks like Final Fantasy VII Remake is joining the ranks of $70 games with its PS5 version, officially
Last week, we asked you to enter the world of Control: Ultimate Edition and share reality-bending peeks at the weirdest office ever, The Oldest House. From twisting walls to unusual decorations, you shared your weirdest environments using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this week’s highlights:  Jesse floats through a hallway that takes quite a turn in
Have You Played? is an endless stream of game retrospectives. One a day, every day, perhaps for all time… On paper, Murder By Numbers is pretty much my dream game. It’s a murder mystery visual novel (check) featuring lots of Picross-style nonogram puzzles (double check) with a soundtrack composed by Phoenix Wright‘s toe-tapping musical legend,
This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. Getting a new GPU is almost impossible right now, with prices skyrocketing as supply continues to lag demand. Nvidia has already announced some steps to separate cryptocurrency applications into a new product category, and it’s even got a new gaming