The creator and mastermind behind the beloved Super Smash Bros. franchise, Masahiro Sakurai, has praised the Playstation 5 in his latest column in the Japanese publication, Famitsu. Although he complimented the backwards compatibility the new console has to offer, Sakurai aired his concerns over the small SSD and said his console was almost full already. He also said he’d like separate folders for easier software management (we’re pretty sure he’d same the same for Switch!) but did note how he enjoyed how quickly the next generation system from Sony performed.
It’s great to hear comments from such a large figure in the industry about a console we don’t initially associate them with, and Sakurai has never shied away from speaking his mind. Whether that’s about the gaming industry in general, or commenting on his own Smash Bros. franchise, the well-respected video game designer always offers an interesting insight into what he’s working on or playing.